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GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
Beiträge: 11

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Hello, German Mike Oldfield fans! I, Gus Fogle, am proud to be a member of your fine community on this forum. I know that many of you have viewed our live performance of Amarok, but as I want as many people to see this as possible, I felt it deserved a topic all its own.
Here is the video:

As my German is rather poor, I hope that some of us can converse here in English, and that you enjoy my video. Also, I will be posting a video blog soon regarding the upcoming live performance of the entire "Incantations" album- we currently have Parts 2 and 4 learned, and expect to have 1 and 3 done by the end of the summer and start rehearsing for live performance. Ryan Yard is once again working with us on this project. A trombonist will be joining us on the Incantations show as well.

P.S. this may sound foolish but I don't care- I love your Nena! Nobody in the states knows who she is so I can only discuss her with authentic Germans. Lol.

Best regards,

Gus Fogle

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von GusFogle: 03.06.2012 09:28.

03.06.2012 03:26 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vossinator Vossinator ist männlich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 18.05.2011
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Hi, Gus,
what a surprise ! Yesterday i´ve seen your performance, and i love it! Applaus
Welcome to the Forum!
Let me ask you: Is there a chance to have it on CD?

best regards

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

.....and nothing was ever heard from him again, except for the sound of Tubular Bells.
03.06.2012 08:23 Vossinator ist offline E-Mail an Vossinator senden Beiträge von Vossinator suchen Nehmen Sie Vossinator in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
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Original von Vossinator
Hi, Gus,
what a surprise ! Yesterday i´ve seen your performance, and i love it! Applaus
Welcome to the Forum!
Let me ask you: Is there a chance to have it on CD?

best regards

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Hi there, thanks for your kind words!

We have not done a studio recording of Amarok, but as it seems to be in very high demand, we are considering recording it. This would take a few months as we are busy with Incantations, but could definitely be done.

By the way, your English is perfectly fine.

Thanks again,
03.06.2012 08:33 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vossinator Vossinator ist männlich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 18.05.2011
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Hello, Gus,

i´m glad that you are now a member of this Forum and i´m looking forward to your performance of Incantations.
Have a good time here.


Volker ( Vossinator )

.....and nothing was ever heard from him again, except for the sound of Tubular Bells.
03.06.2012 08:44 Vossinator ist offline E-Mail an Vossinator senden Beiträge von Vossinator suchen Nehmen Sie Vossinator in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tina Tina ist weiblich
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Dabei seit: 26.09.2005
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Hi Gus,

great to read you here! I really LOVE what you did in that video and I'm looking forward to Incantations.

Performing Amarok live is a crazy idea, why did you do it? Watching the video I asked myself about the audience (I really would have loved to see their faces großes Grinsen ), what kind of people were there, what was their reaction?

English shouldn't be a big problem here - but I'm not sure about the Nena-thing. großes Grinsen Yes, she's still quite popular and everybody knows her...well, who knows. Maybe you'll find a fan here (not me, sorry).

I hope you'll write again and tell us more about your projects!

Best wishes, Tina.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Tina: 03.06.2012 16:04.

03.06.2012 08:52 Tina ist offline Beiträge von Tina suchen Nehmen Sie Tina in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
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Original von Tina
1. Performing Amarok live is a crazy idea, why did you do it? 2. Watching the video I asked myself about the audience (I really would have loved to see their faces großes Grinsen ), what kind of people were there, what was their reaction?

1. I enjoy a good challenge, and that's part of the reason why we did Amarok. But the real reason is that it is a piece I honestly love and have a lot of passion for. It might be hard to tell from the video, but I was really nervous, knowing that this was the first time this had ever been done live. At times I felt like an out of control freight train ready to de-rail at any moment, but somehow we made it through to the end.

2. One thing I've noticed about the audience at Mike Oldfield shows is how quiet and respectful everyone is. You rarely see someone jumping around, yelling. The audience is typically seated, attentive and listening to the music with captivation and respect. I was actually amazed to see that the audience at our performance of Amarok was the same. Something about Mike's music can really just capture the ear and command respect, especially in a live performance. It is hard to tell from the video because you cant see the crowd, but it was actually fairly small, less than 100, and aside from a few friends in the crowd, Jason and I were the youngest people in the building. I was pleasantly surprised after the show to find that more than a few members of the crowd were moved to tears by our performance. I felt very proud of that. But I can only take so much credit- that is the power of Mike's music.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tina smile

As far as Nena goes, I don't honestly expect to find any fans on a Mike Oldfield forum. German or not. Lol. A strange personal muse for me, but that's just the way it is, I dont know why großes Grinsen
03.06.2012 09:28 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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Dabei seit: 20.03.2009
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Hi Gus,
I would like to express my deep respect to what you’ve done on the video. Great work, thanks!

Looking foreward to Incantations.

Best regards

What’s got three bottles, five eyes, no legs and two wheels?
03.06.2012 09:29 blinky ist offline Beiträge von blinky suchen Nehmen Sie blinky in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tina Tina ist weiblich
Two dark eyes :-)


Dabei seit: 26.09.2005
Beiträge: 2.051

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Original von GusFogle
At times I felt like an out of control freight train ready to de-rail at any moment, but somehow we made it through to the end.

I know what you mean...there are parts which sound like you were ready to punch down the piano. Poor thing. großes Grinsen großes Grinsen
Anyway, thanks that you told something about the audience as I really asked myself if they knew what to expect...or if they where sitting there with a big "WTF?!" in their faces.

If you don't mind: would you tell us something about yourself? Like, how old are you, where are you from and WHY Mike Oldfield? großes Grinsen
03.06.2012 09:49 Tina ist offline Beiträge von Tina suchen Nehmen Sie Tina in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
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Original von Tina

If you don't mind: would you tell us something about yourself? Like, how old are you, where are you from and WHY Mike Oldfield? großes Grinsen

I'll be 21 years old this Tuesday.

I'm from a small city called Mt. Sterling (the name is Irish) in the state of Kentucky, United States. In all honesty it isn't a very enlightened place musically or culturally, I would prefer to be in the UK or Europe where there is more appreciation for Mike's music and music like his, but nevertheless this is where I live currently- hopefully something better will come along.

As far as why Mike Oldfield, I feel a strong connection when I hear his music. The emotions that Mike puts into his music are emotions that I can relate to and I really feel like I understand what he tries to communicate with his music. He's also the only guitarist who has ever inspired me to perform guitar parts on a piano. I suppose every fan has their own Oldfield story, but that one is mine. I'm an entirely self-taught pianist, I learned to read music on my own, though I did spend some brief time at a music conservatory, I found it creatively oppressive and left.

P.S. 90% of the audience at the Amarok concert had no clue who Mike Oldfield is, so I guess they didn't really know what to expect. I imagine if we'd included the tooth brushing, slurping of water, glass shattering and Margaret Thatcher speech there would have been more of a WTF reaction großes Grinsen

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von GusFogle: 03.06.2012 10:30.

03.06.2012 10:27 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
sentinel101 sentinel101 ist männlich


Dabei seit: 05.08.2005
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Hi Gus,

I just watched your performance and I'm really speechless. You both captured the spirit and power of Amarok in a way I've never thought would be possible to do with just two instruments. I could almost feel the exhaustion when you got closer to the finish.

Did you hear something from Mike or his management ? I think a reward for "first human beings who played Amarok live" would be much more deserved than the reward which Mike provided for the first discovery of the hidden morse code message.

It would be cool to have your performance on CD with better sound quality and (who knows) with a guest appearance by Mike himself (hell Mike, you can do everything over the internet so why not support these two guys !).

Anyway, you made my day :-)

03.06.2012 13:36 sentinel101 ist offline E-Mail an sentinel101 senden Beiträge von sentinel101 suchen Nehmen Sie sentinel101 in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
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Thanks, Michael!

We are still waiting for a response from Mr. Oldfield's side. In a perfect world Mike would have realized that Amarok CAN be performed live, then put together a full orchestra to perform it with me as the pianist of course.

I'd settle just for a personal email from Mike giving me his thoughts on what we did.
03.06.2012 16:00 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Bene Bene ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 09.02.2002
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Your Taurus II performance is also amazing...


03.06.2012 17:06 Bene ist offline E-Mail an Bene senden Homepage von Bene Beiträge von Bene suchen Nehmen Sie Bene in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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Dabei seit: 10.04.2005
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respekt Respect Gus! Awesome presentation.

Original von GusFogle
[...] In all honesty it isn't a very enlightened place musically or culturally[...]

If I remember correct, your region is famous for Bluegrass, or? Okay, not everybody like this kind of music, but its still there. I worked and lived nearly 9 month in Danville, KY, in 2006. So I know these "redneck" area a little bit.... Pfeifen

Your performance was amazing. It is different, of course, but all the well known sequences are there. Including the goosebumps I get on all these little climaxes in there. Thank you and Jason for this.
And yes, I would also like a recording in better quality. But, take the time you need. Now I am looking forward to your performance of Incantantions.

By the way. Welcome to this forum. You see, a lot of people are able to speak and write in English, so a conversation is possible. aha

But Nena.....? Yes, 25 years ago. That was a different story with her, but now...

Okay. Take care. See you soon here.

Can you hear me? Mike Oldfield, Taurus II 18:58

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Bex: 03.06.2012 20:52.

03.06.2012 20:47 Bex ist offline E-Mail an Bex senden Beiträge von Bex suchen Nehmen Sie Bex in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 09.02.2002
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Happy birthday, Gus!

Thanks for your great work on Amarok, it's fantastic and awesome! And I'm looking forward to Incantations, too Daumen hoch .

Greetings from the middle of Germany, Thuringia.

Cheers, Chris
05.06.2012 06:27 anorak ist offline Beiträge von anorak suchen Nehmen Sie anorak in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vossinator Vossinator ist männlich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 18.05.2011
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Happy Birthday, Gus !!!!
Heres´s to you: weizen

All the best !



.....and nothing was ever heard from him again, except for the sound of Tubular Bells.
05.06.2012 07:29 Vossinator ist offline E-Mail an Vossinator senden Beiträge von Vossinator suchen Nehmen Sie Vossinator in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GusFogle GusFogle ist männlich
Tubular Bell

Dabei seit: 03.06.2012
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Thank you guys so much! I had a great birthday.

Look forward to an Incantations live video blog this weekend sometime.
06.06.2012 05:32 GusFogle ist offline Beiträge von GusFogle suchen Nehmen Sie GusFogle in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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endings are just beginnings


Dabei seit: 05.06.2007
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somewhere on a small campground in the middle of Bavaria...

yes, on our fan meeting last weekend we also watched your amarok performance. it's quite nice with an full-hd projector and an active PA-system with 800watts rms... Augenzwinkern

by the way, you've done a great job on this one, thanks for this.
i'm looking forward for more performances of mike oldfield pieces - hopefully in better video/sound quality! Augenzwinkern

so long

Herr Präsident, wir kenn' nur eine Sprache und diese Sprache, die heißt Musik! (Falco in ''The Sound of Musik'')
12.06.2012 14:34 Oldfield ist offline E-Mail an Oldfield senden Beiträge von Oldfield suchen Nehmen Sie Oldfield in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tanzbär Tanzbär ist männlich


Dabei seit: 29.07.2008
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Next year: "Amarok Bauchklatschgruppe" with live music. großes Grinsen

Am Ende des Regenbogens sehen wir uns wieder.

12.06.2012 14:48 Tanzbär ist offline Beiträge von Tanzbär suchen Nehmen Sie Tanzbär in Ihre Freundesliste auf
GoldenSilence GoldenSilence ist männlich

Dabei seit: 19.09.2005
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Sprachlos! Absolut genial! Amarok ist für mich das beste Album, das MO jemals veröffentlicht hat. Wenn er das Stück einmal live spielen würde (wäre doch die Premiere, oder?), würde ich auch einmal um den Globus fliegen um dahin zu kommen großes Grinsen


Many thanks for the outstanding performance. It was really great, keep up the good work Daumen hoch
11.08.2012 17:24 GoldenSilence ist offline Beiträge von GoldenSilence suchen Nehmen Sie GoldenSilence in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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