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Zum Ende der Seite springen DaVinci's Code in Mike's music!!!  
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Schwingengleiter Schwingengleiter ist männlich
Five Miles Out


Dabei seit: 10.02.2002
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Als ich 1968 die Welt erblickte, mußte so sein, denn da hat ein mir bis dato unbekannter Musiker mit seiner Schwester ein Album auf den Markt gebracht - Sallyangie. Auf badisch, also sälli (dt. diese) Angie (dt. Angelika) muss meine Hebamme gewesen sein. Wahrscheinlich wurde mir schon damals, der Grundstein eines Oldfieldfans in die Windel gelegt, ok, darauf habe ich einige Jahre geschissen, denn meine Umgebung kennenzulernen war wesentlich wichtiger. Als ich 1974 in die Schule kam, war TB längst die Nummer 1, aber ein Einser Kandidat (schulisch betrachtet) war ich nicht. Daher kam ich also mit Hergest Ridge in die Erste Klasse. Auch damals war mir Oldfield unbekannt, wohl aber einigen großen Buben nicht. Die hatten so lange Haare und einen Bart, wie der junge Herr Oldfield. Leider war Incantations 1978 so berauschend, das man die LP doppelt gesehen hat. Das war zuviel für meinen jungen Geist (also Ehrenrunde) und erst mit Platinum, endlich was metallenes, wenn es schon zu keiner Medaille bei den Bundesjugendspielen gereicht hat, der Wechsel auf die Realschule. Ob man es glaubt oder nicht, auch damals war Oldfield mir gänzlich unbekannt. Aber durch diese Hebamme, siehe erster Satz, wirkt Oldfield durch mein ganzes junges Leben und hat mich also schon beeinflußt.

Endlich, Arrival. Die Ankunft eines großen Genies in meinem Leben, nachdem er mir damals noch SWF3, in den Ohren erklang. Etwas klingelte in mir, aha, das Unterbewußtsein hat sich gemeldet und sagte zu mir:"Die Windeln sind lange passé, jetzt werde mal ein pubertierender Jüngling und leg endlich die Drei ??? Kassetten auf die Seite...". Ok, gesagt getan, der Weg ging allerdings erst über die Beatles, bis dann mit Five Miles Out und endlich CRISES das erste Oldfieldalbum meinen Plattenspieler kreuzte. Nein, eine Krise hatte ich damals und auch heute nicht. Aber das war 1983, und wenn ich diese Zahlen zusammen addiere, ergeben Sie 21 also 3 und ich bin 1968 geboren, das gibt Summasummarum 24, also 6 und wenn man sechs durch drei teilt, gibt das zwei.

Wann wurde Herr Oldfield geboren, 1953, also krasse 15 Jahre vor meiner Geburt, wann wurde ich Oldfield Fan? 1983, ach herrje, da ist ja wieder die 15 (man erinnere sich, ich wurde 1968 geboren. Also musste das unweigerlich so sein, dass ich zur oldfieldschen Musik einen sehr engen Bezug bekomme. Wie gesagt, es hing mit dem Glück der Geburt zusammen und mit dieser Zahlenmagie, denn 15 gibt ja wieder sechs. Mannomann. Achja, und wenn jemand sagt, das wäre Teufelswerk, denn da kommt ja insgesamt dreimal die sechs vor, nein Kinners, das ist Magie.

Jetzt mach ich zwei Räucherstäbchen an, singe ein wenig Oooooooohmmmmm,
Oooooooohmmmmm, Oooooooohmmmmm und grüble darüber nach, wie es JFK und Elvis geht, die endlich unerkannt auf Hawaii ihr Leben genießen können. Achja, es war die Freimaurer und trinke einen Zimttee.
25.12.2006 19:01 Schwingengleiter ist offline E-Mail an Schwingengleiter senden Beiträge von Schwingengleiter suchen Nehmen Sie Schwingengleiter in Ihre Freundesliste auf
VaNeSa PaRodi VaNeSa PaRodi ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 20.12.2006
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Y bueno... ahora ¡a aguantárselas! großes Grinsen

¿Cómo era que decía Mike? Hmmm Augen rollen


Con todo cariño,


Vanesa aka Sirius

IAO | O |



25.12.2006 21:16 VaNeSa PaRodi ist offline Beiträge von VaNeSa PaRodi suchen Nehmen Sie VaNeSa PaRodi in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Michahst Michahst ist männlich


Dabei seit: 12.11.2006
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@VaNeSa PaRodi
Ich verstehe Bahnhof !
[I don't understand you !]

\m/ - Die Gruft muß noch warten.
25.12.2006 21:39 Michahst ist offline E-Mail an Michahst senden Homepage von Michahst Beiträge von Michahst suchen Nehmen Sie Michahst in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 09.02.2002
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es ist auch das internationale forum hier Augenzwinkern .
25.12.2006 22:04 anorak ist offline Beiträge von anorak suchen Nehmen Sie anorak in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tina Tina ist weiblich
Two dark eyes :-)


Dabei seit: 26.09.2005
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Original von future.m4Obwohl ich mich schon erschrocken habe, zur Zeit von Ommadawn usw. sieht er ihm, jedenfalls den Bildnissen die überliefert sind, echt sehr ähnlich großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Weißt Du, 1975 war selbst ich noch ganz schön klein - aber die großen Brüder meiner Freunde sahen ALLE so aus... großes Grinsen

@Gerhard: Wie hast Du dein Leben da gut erkannt! Und Dein Vorname besteht aus sieben Buchstaben geschockt - das ist ja die Zahl des Teufels, hast Du schonmal an einen Exorzisten gedacht...? großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

LG, Tina.
25.12.2006 22:24 Tina ist offline Beiträge von Tina suchen Nehmen Sie Tina in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Schwingengleiter Schwingengleiter ist männlich
Five Miles Out


Dabei seit: 10.02.2002
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Original von Tina

@Gerhard: Wie hast Du dein Leben da gut erkannt! Und Dein Vorname besteht aus sieben Buchstaben geschockt - das ist ja die Zahl des Teufels, hast Du schonmal an einen Exorzisten gedacht...? großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

LG, Tina.

Ach Du dickes Ei. Die Sieben, Ger hard. Aua, und dann bin ich noch an einem siebten Geboren. Das muss ein Zeichen sein. Oh, ihr Oldfieldjünger, Saved by a Bell. Geheiligt seien die Glocken. großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Ich brauch mehr Zimttee
25.12.2006 22:32 Schwingengleiter ist offline E-Mail an Schwingengleiter senden Beiträge von Schwingengleiter suchen Nehmen Sie Schwingengleiter in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tina Tina ist weiblich
Two dark eyes :-)


Dabei seit: 26.09.2005
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Original von Krischan
es ist auch das internationale forum hier Augenzwinkern .

OH! So we perhaps better blödel around in English! großes Grinsen
25.12.2006 23:19 Tina ist offline Beiträge von Tina suchen Nehmen Sie Tina in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Shadow on the Wall Shadow on the Wall ist männlich

Dabei seit: 11.03.2006
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also die gute ist ja echt hammerhart drauf.....

... kann hier keiner spanisch??? hat die irgendwo mal auf unsere beschwerden reagiert????

ignorieren kann man das nun wirklich nimmer. wie kann man innerhalb von so kurzer zeit soviel humbug vom stapel lassen?

02.01.2007 14:40 Shadow on the Wall ist offline E-Mail an Shadow on the Wall senden Beiträge von Shadow on the Wall suchen Nehmen Sie Shadow on the Wall in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tati The Sentinel Tati The Sentinel ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 04.12.2006
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Was ist das? großes Grinsen

"I'd like to see more variety, honesty, creativity, uniqueness, not everybody just following each other like sheep."
- Mike Oldfield,1991

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Tati The Sentinel: 08.03.2007 03:14.

08.03.2007 03:13 Tati The Sentinel ist offline E-Mail an Tati The Sentinel senden Homepage von Tati The Sentinel Beiträge von Tati The Sentinel suchen Nehmen Sie Tati The Sentinel in Ihre Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Tati The Sentinel anzeigen
VaNeSa PaRodi VaNeSa PaRodi ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 20.12.2006
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The Triple Goddess Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen

As I said before... Mike Oldfield is indeed highlightening the Goddess. Take a close look at LIGHT + SHADE artwork...

You can actually see the TRIPLE GODDESS symbol (probably originating from Classical Greek lunar symbolism), depicting three phases of the moon: waxing crescent, full moon, and waning crescent.

Check the images I uploaded fröhlich

The TRIPLE GODDESS. In ancient Indo-European mythologies, various goddesses or demi-goddesses appear as a triad, either as three separate beings who always appear as a group (the Greek Moirae, Charites, Erinnyes and the Norse Norns) or as a single deity who is commonly depicted in three aspects (Greek Hecate). Often it is ambiguous whether a single being or three are represented, as is the case with the Irish Brighid and her two sisters, also called Brighid, or the Morrígan who is known by at least three or four different names. In most ancient descriptions of Triple Goddesses, the separate deities perform different yet related functions, and can appear as any age they desire.

The term Triple Goddess was popularised by poet and scholar Robert Graves, in his "work of poetic imagination," The White Goddess. Graves believed that an archetypal goddess triad occurred throughout Indo-European mythology. He was not the originator of this theory, and it appears as a recurrent theme in the "Myth and Ritual" school of classical archaeology at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The "Myth and Ritual" school is often associated with Cambridge University and with Oxford University in England.

The theme of the goddess trinity can also be found in the works of Jane Ellen Harrison,[1][2][3] A.B. Cook, George Thomson, Sir James Frazer, Robert Briffault[4] and Jack Lindsay to name a few. The Triple Goddess mytheme was also explored by psychologists involved in the study of archetypes Carl Kerenyi,[5] Erich Neumann, and even Carl Jung.[5] One of the most recent of archaeologists to explore this theme is Professor Marija Gimbutas whose studies on the Chalcolithic period of Old Europe (6500-3500 B.C.E.) have opened up entirely new avenues of research.[6][7]

The publication of the complete texts of the magical papyri from Greco-Roman Egypt[8] provide exhaustive examples of the imagery usually wrongly attributed to Graves. In one hymn, for instance, the "Three-faced Selene" is simultaneously identified as the three Charites, the three Moirae, and the three Erinnyes; she is further addressed by the titles of several goddesses:

... they call You Hekate,
Many-named, Mene, cleaving Air just like
Dart-shooter Artemis, Persephone,
Shooter of Deer, night shining, triple-sounding,
Triple-headed, triple-voiced Selene
Triple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked,
And Goddess of the Triple Ways, who hold
Untiring Flaming Fire in Triple Baskets,
And You who oft frequent the Triple Way
And rule the Triple Decades...

She variously described within the one poem as young, bringing light to mortals ... Child of Morn, as Mother of All, before whom gods tremble, and as Goddess of Dark, Quiet and Frightful One who has her meal amid the graves. She is exalted as the supreme goddess of time and space,

...Mother of Gods
And Men, and Nature, Mother of All Things...
And End are You, and You Alone rule All.
For All Things are from You, and in You do
All Things, Eternal One, come to their End.

The Greek Magical Papyri reveal elements of the culture of Greco-Roman Egypt that were drawn not only from Classical and Egyptian tradition but also from earlier cultures such as those of Mesopotamia and the Near East. The triplicity of the Goddess in these texts is one of the most recurrent themes.

This imagery was well-known to those with a Classical education and continued in poetry throughout English history. A case in point is the Garland of Laurell by the English poet, John Skelton (c. 1460 - June 21, 1529):

Diana in the leavës green,
Luna that so bright doth sheen,
Persephone in Hell.

The Goddess triad is an essential feature of the Shakti forms of Hinduism and a distinction is made between the separate goddesses Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Kali and their manifestation as three aspects of MahaDevi ("The Great Goddess") when they are named MahaSarasvati, MahaLaksmi, and MahaKali. In the annual festival of Navaratri images of the Triple Goddess are carried in procession throughout India and in Hindu communities worldwide.

An archetypal Goddess triad is not limited to Indo-European cultures, and can also be found in some mythologies of Africa and Asia. The triadic theme also appears in medieval Christian folk traditions — notably with the three Marys.

In one of the ironies of religious history, St. Augustine of Hippo, mocked the pagan religions of his time for believing in a goddess who could be both three-and-one at the same time. This was in his second book, The City of God. By the time he wrote his third book, On the Trinity, he had become a staunch proponent of the Trinitarian structure of the world and had obviously resolved this conflict within himself or, at the very least, brought his thinking into line with the new orthodoxy.

Images of Goddess triads are well attested from both inscriptions and sculptural sources from the time of the Upper Palaeolithic. The shrine rooms of Catal Huyuk which dated from 7500 B.C.E. contain bas-relief images of a Goddess in three forms.

While there is no controversy about the fact that a wide variety of ancient cultures worshipped some types of Goddesses who at times were seen as threefold, many scholars consider Graves' statements that they fit a "universal" pattern to be highly speculative, and his lumping together of diverse cultures in the quest for this universal pattern to be inappropriate. Graves attempted to apply his theory of "Maiden, Mother, Crone" to Goddesses who do not fit that pattern, such as the triple goddesses of Celtic Mythology, whose triple aspects are based on function, not age. The Celtic Goddesses also cannot be said to fulfil roles that are static or well-divided. The three aspects of Celtic Triple Goddesses may all be Goddesses of war (such as in the case of the Morrígan) or manifestations of different types of creativity (such as with Brighid). The existence of triple goddesses in a variety of cultures does not mean that those cultures experienced these goddesses in the same way, or that there were universal religious patterns that could be applied to all these diverse cultures.

More info:

Remember that the LUNAR GODDESS is also related to QUICKSILVER (and PLATINUM). Mercury (Greek-hydra gyros, liquid silver; latin-argentum vivum, live or quicksilver). Associated with the moon, as well as with the sea and various lunar goddesses, or women in general, the metal was referred to by alchemists by the name luna.

Burckhardt explains: Sulphur, the original masculine power, and Quicksilver, the original feminine power, both strive towards the wholeness of their one and eternal prototype. The latter is at the same time the reason for their opposition and of their mutual attraction - just as the masculine and feminine natures long for the integrality of the human state, and as a result of this seek both to separate from one another, and to unite with one another. By means of their physical union both try to re-establish the image of their common eternal prototype. This is the marriage of man and woman, sulphur and quicksilver, Spirit and soul.


| O | IAO

Vanesa aka Sirius

jpg goddess.jpg (8 KB, 102 mal heruntergeladen)
jpg Light + Shade1.jpg (49,39 KB, 104 mal heruntergeladen)
jpg moon goddess.jpg (39,39 KB, 102 mal heruntergeladen)




Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von VaNeSa PaRodi: 19.03.2007 05:27.

19.03.2007 04:59 VaNeSa PaRodi ist offline Beiträge von VaNeSa PaRodi suchen Nehmen Sie VaNeSa PaRodi in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Michahst Michahst ist männlich


Dabei seit: 12.11.2006
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Na toll - und was heißt das, inklusive link, alles auf deutsch. Das interessiert mich nämlich wirklich.

\m/ - Die Gruft muß noch warten.
19.03.2007 05:40 Michahst ist offline E-Mail an Michahst senden Homepage von Michahst Beiträge von Michahst suchen Nehmen Sie Michahst in Ihre Freundesliste auf
VaNeSa PaRodi VaNeSa PaRodi ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 20.12.2006
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¿Qué pasa deustch? ¿Se te viene la sombra encima?


Vanesa aka Sirius



20.03.2007 06:19 VaNeSa PaRodi ist offline Beiträge von VaNeSa PaRodi suchen Nehmen Sie VaNeSa PaRodi in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Marten Kantus Marten Kantus ist männlich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 22.03.2007
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Since MO sits on quivering cliffs half-naked with a booming sun behind him: who wonders that his listeners search some "depths" behind the disappointing surface of mediocre music. He deceived them by images, borrowed from the incense-shop. It´s a pity!

Seit MO auf halbnackt auf bebenden Felsen sitzt, eine dröhende Sonne im Rücken, muß man sich doch nicht wundern, daß einige HörerInnen in der eher mittelmäßigen Musik "Tiefen" finden, die sie oberflächlich gesehen nicht hat. Oldfield hat die Leute mit einigen Esoterik-Motiven aus dem Räucherstäbchenladen leider selber dahingelockt.

22.03.2007 15:00 Marten Kantus ist offline E-Mail an Marten Kantus senden Homepage von Marten Kantus Beiträge von Marten Kantus suchen Nehmen Sie Marten Kantus in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Couch Guitar


Dabei seit: 23.03.2007
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Original von Marten Kantus
Since MO sits on quivering cliffs half-naked with a booming sun behind him: who wonders that his listeners search some "depths" behind the disappointing surface of mediocre music. He deceived them by images, borrowed from the incense-shop. It´s a pity!

Seit MO auf halbnackt auf bebenden Felsen sitzt, eine dröhende Sonne im Rücken, muß man sich doch nicht wundern, daß einige HörerInnen in der eher mittelmäßigen Musik "Tiefen" finden, die sie oberflächlich gesehen nicht hat. Oldfield hat die Leute mit einigen Esoterik-Motiven aus dem Räucherstäbchenladen leider selber dahingelockt.

¡Dejá de fruncir el orto, VIGILANTE! que ni vos te crees lo que decís. ¿Con la "cola entre las patas"? Freude

Acorralado por tu propia SOMBRA großes Grinsen

Ah, aDios großes Grinsen


| O |

¸.•**•.¸(¯`•.¸*¸.•*6EQUJ5_ELIPHTHERIA *•.¸*¸.•`¯)¸.•**•.¸
24.03.2007 05:10 Venus ist offline E-Mail an Venus senden Beiträge von Venus suchen Nehmen Sie Venus in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Couch Guitar


Dabei seit: 23.03.2007
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*Diana-Luna Goddess* Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Take a look at Mike's INCANTATION lyrics:


Dah - yaa - naa
Looh - ooh - naa
Looh - she - naa

(repeat chorus 18 times)

Looh - naa
Looh - ooh - naa

(repeat chorus)

Dah - yaa - naa
Looh - she - naa
Looh - naa

Have you noticed that DahYaaNaa is DAIANA and that LooNaa is actually LUNA? fröhlich

In Roman mythology, Diana was the virgin goddess of the hunt, in literature the equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis, though in cult she was Italic in origin. Born with her twin brother Apollo on the island of Delos, Diana was the daughter of Jupiter and Latona.

Diana was the perpetually virginal huntress goddess, associated with wild animals and woodlands. She also later became a moon goddess, supplanting Luna, and was an emblem of chastity. Oak groves were especially sacred to her. She was praised in poetry for her strength, athletic grace, beauty and hunting skill. In practice she made up a trinity with two other Roman deities: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife; and Virbius, the woodland god. In her etymology, "Diana" is simply :"the Goddess", with a Greek parallel in the name of Dione at Dodona.

In Greek mythology, Selene ( "moon") was an archaic lunar deity and the daughter of the titans Hyperion and Theia. In Roman mythology the moon goddess was Luna.

Like most moon deities, Selene plays a fairly large role in her pantheon. However, Selene was eventually largely supplanted by Artemis, and Luna by Diana. In the collection known as the Homeric hymns, there is a Hymn to Selene (xxxii), paired with the hymn to Helios; in its Selene is addressed as "far-winged", an epithet ordinarily applied to birds.

The etymology of Selene is uncertain, but if the word is of Greek origin, it is likely connected to the word selas, meaning "light".[2] Boreion Selas is the Greek name for Aurora Borealis. The name is the root of selenology, the study of the geology of the Moon. The chemical element selenium was also named after Selene.

The goddess of the moon, Luna, had a temple on the Aventine Hill. It was built in the sixth century BC, but was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome during Nero's reign. There was also a temple dedicated to Luna Noctiluca ("Luna that shines by night") on the Palatine Hill. There were festivals in honor of Luna on March 31.


| O |

¸.•**•.¸(¯`•.¸*¸.•*6EQUJ5_ELIPHTHERIA *•.¸*¸.•`¯)¸.•**•.¸
24.03.2007 05:38 Venus ist offline E-Mail an Venus senden Beiträge von Venus suchen Nehmen Sie Venus in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tati The Sentinel Tati The Sentinel ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 04.12.2006
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Venus = Vanesa Parodi Augenzwinkern

"I'd like to see more variety, honesty, creativity, uniqueness, not everybody just following each other like sheep."
- Mike Oldfield,1991
31.03.2007 12:45 Tati The Sentinel ist offline E-Mail an Tati The Sentinel senden Homepage von Tati The Sentinel Beiträge von Tati The Sentinel suchen Nehmen Sie Tati The Sentinel in Ihre Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Tati The Sentinel anzeigen
Couch Guitar


Dabei seit: 23.03.2007
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Original von Tati The Sentinel
Venus = Vanesa Parodi Augenzwinkern

Deja de temblar, vigilante. ¿O acaso te aterra ese nombre? großes Grinsen
Ah, por cierto... está fresquito acá ¿no?


| O |

¸.•**•.¸(¯`•.¸*¸.•*6EQUJ5_ELIPHTHERIA *•.¸*¸.•`¯)¸.•**•.¸
05.04.2007 05:19 Venus ist offline E-Mail an Venus senden Beiträge von Venus suchen Nehmen Sie Venus in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Couch Guitar


Dabei seit: 23.03.2007
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*Pacha Mama- Mother Earth* Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Pacha Mama, still another Mike Oldfield's song exalting the Goddess...

Pacha Mama

Huaca Pacha Mama
Huaca Saqsaywaman
Huaca Yachaq runa
Huaca Munaq Runa

Temple of the Earth Mother
Temple of the Speckled Hawk
Temple of the Wise One
Temple of the Loving One

Pacha Mama

The mountain is also the key symbol of the Bolivian religion. Which was altered to incorporate Mary when the Spanish invaded. The religion is based on the Sun, Moon and Mother Earth (Pacha Mama).

In many South American countries the Earth Mother is given the name Pacha Mama. 'Pacha' means Earth, Infinity, the Divine and the Sacred.
Pacha Mama is therefore the Earth Mother, or the Divine in material form

The Earth Mother is a living, Cosmic Being and has a physical, astral and spiritual body. All matter as we know it comes from her and returns to her.
Pacha Mama is much more than our nurturer, she is our true spiritual Mother and holds all the secrets of the Universe within her. With the help of her Tutelary Gods, or guardian spirits, she can point the spiritual seeker towards the truth. As a living Being, the Earth needs us to look after her, feed and love her with our hearts open to her.
We are living in dangerous times as we seem to have forgotten how to contact her.

The Inca culture has always been very linked to the Earth - there is a saying that 'wisdom comes through the soles of our feet.'
The Earth sustains us, suffers, has emotions, she needs us to love her. We say we want to heal her, but instead we just carry on poisoning her with our pollution.
Her rivers need to flow. they are her veins. veins she is deperately trying to clean out with all the rain that has been falling. Her mountains are her shoulders. her forests are her lungs. The hole in the ozone layer is a hole in her aura, and the greenhouse effect which is raising her temperature is because she is ill and running a fever.
When the Earth is ill, then we are too; because we are like cells on her body, we need to heal ourselves in order to help to her heal.
When we start to heal and purify ourselves, then we can begin to be in more direct contact with the Earth, her energies and the power of Nature.
The Earth is a constant presence in our lives: when we walk through beautiful countryside; when we watch a bird in flight; when we hear the sound of a waterfall or the crashing waves of the sea; when we see a kind action, watch animals looking after their young, or wonder how a plant knows to grow from its seed into a beautiful flower.
The Earth is always nurturing, forgiving, constant - she mirrors the Universe. The Incas look for all knowledge in the Earth because she is what we are made of - the sky is too far away.

When we enter into direct contact with earth energies we encounter what the Incas call 'Apus'. The Earth herself is benevolent. It is the Apus who defend her. Every place has an Apu or teacher spirit. Some people might call them guardian angels.
The Apus guard the Earth and when each one of us is born the Apu of that place takes reponsibility for our development. If you lose contact with your Apu, it abandons you and if you lose contact with your Apu you lose contact with the Earth. Apus act as intermediaries between humans and the Earth. The Inca shamanic tradition works with these spirits on a day-to-day basis, for guidance, the resolution of disputes and, most importantly, with healing.
Women are said to reflect the Cosmic Mother and carry within them the sacred fires that hold the knowledge and mysteries of the Earth. The Incas believe that women can work more intuitively with the Earth because their hearts are more open. Humanity as a whole is suffering from a lack of heart, yet it is not possible to understand the mysteries of the Earth by adopting a scientific or "macho' approach.
We need to rediscover the mysteries of women's traditions. To honour the qualities assosciated with women, is to honour the Earth. To honour the Earth Mother we need to honour our own mothers, even if they behaved badly towards us. We need to go beyond their limitations as a human beings and acknowledge that they carried us in their wombs.

So what can we do? The Earth and the Apus need to be fed and remembered by us. We can give thanks for our food before we eat and by blowing on it, offer some of its essence back to the spirits. We can look after our bodies with exercise and good nutrition and learn to be relaxed and detached in all situations.
Meditation is the heart of wisdom. Five minutes a day will teach you more than hours of reading. The Inca path is well-balanced between mysticism and materialism, an Inca warrior is of this world, not apart from it.
Through being on the Earth we can learn patience, strength and perseverance. Become aware of any fears that you might have and learn to face them, as fear will block the gateway to knowledge. Dare to overcome your fears and become a warrior for the Earth, we are here to learn, to open our hearts and heal ourselves. Only then will we be able to help our Cosmic Mother, so let's go for it. NOW.

saqsaywaman... sexy woman? fröhlich


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05.04.2007 05:54 Venus ist offline E-Mail an Venus senden Beiträge von Venus suchen Nehmen Sie Venus in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Tati The Sentinel Tati The Sentinel ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 04.12.2006
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Hier ist Die Kirsche des Mike Oldfield.Das sind nicht so gut.

"I'd like to see more variety, honesty, creativity, uniqueness, not everybody just following each other like sheep."
- Mike Oldfield,1991

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Tati The Sentinel: 09.04.2007 00:46.

09.04.2007 00:43 Tati The Sentinel ist offline E-Mail an Tati The Sentinel senden Homepage von Tati The Sentinel Beiträge von Tati The Sentinel suchen Nehmen Sie Tati The Sentinel in Ihre Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Tati The Sentinel anzeigen
Tati The Sentinel Tati The Sentinel ist weiblich
Hergest Ridge


Dabei seit: 04.12.2006
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Mike was in Peru in Machu Picchu in 99 and a guide gave him a piece of paper with the "lyrics" for Pacha Mama.

"I'd like to see more variety, honesty, creativity, uniqueness, not everybody just following each other like sheep."
- Mike Oldfield,1991
09.04.2007 00:55 Tati The Sentinel ist offline E-Mail an Tati The Sentinel senden Homepage von Tati The Sentinel Beiträge von Tati The Sentinel suchen Nehmen Sie Tati The Sentinel in Ihre Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Tati The Sentinel anzeigen
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